Eye Contact of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Parents want to know why the eye contact of people with autism spectrum disorder is different and less as compared to others. This is a typical characteristic of ASD. They give less eye contact with others in realistic circumstances. Even though eye-to-eye connection is a fundamentally significant piece of regular communication. There are fewer pieces of research on the neurological premise with eye-to-eye connection in ASD. Due to the unable to depict picture the minds of two individuals at the same time.

However, employing the latest things of technology that allow imaging of two people in natural situations. Investigators have determined distinct brain regions in the dorsal parietal region, which is linked with the social symptomatology of ASD. Studies published in the journal PLOS ONE, discover that these neural reactions to face and eye contact in live situations may give a physical relevance to the clinical type and assessment the people with autism.

Human brains always look for knowledge and facts related to individuals. We must comprehend social tools and means of work in the context of a natural and correlative for others and also for ASD, said, Joy Hirsch.

Their team also analyzed brain exercises during short social gatherings and dealings. They use infrared spectroscopy for every typical person involved in this and one with ASD. A method in which non-invasive optical neuroimaging technology is used for participants. Both participants wear caps having sensors that send light into the brain. That registers differences in light signs and light clues with details about brain activity during facial looks and eye contact.

The researchers discovered, when participants with ASD do eye contact, had greatly decreased activity in the dorsal parietal cortex of the brain. Where as compared to those without ASD.  ADOS measured the social features (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition) scores. According to them, that were related to moving in this brain area. Neural movement in this brain part was simultaneous between one participant during accurate eye contact. But that is not during looking at a videotape face. The team did not record any boost in neural movement in AS

Now we can easily understand the reason behind less eye contact of autism spectrum disorder and also the neurobiology of autism. We also find out their social distinctions, contrasts and hidden pattern of neural agents that force regular social relations.

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