9-12 months Baby Development, babies start to crawl, stands by holding something near them.They also says mama and baba while making other sounds.
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Early Development
Early Development of a child’s life consists of excellent growth in physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. In the early years of life, the child builds up new relationships with their loved ones that grow with time to enhance brain development. It also supports language and literacy skills.
9-12 Months Baby Development
6-9 Months Baby Development
6-9 Months Baby Development,babies become more responsive towards sounds, sights, social actions.They start to recognize names and response by smiling.
3-6 Months Baby Development
3-6 Months Baby Development, become energetic baby is more involved towards exploring things around him, making sounds, moving and controlling body.
Birth to 3 Months Baby Development
Birth to 3 Months Baby Development, is the age when the child learns head control, sense of hearing and sight. They are trying to adjust with the new world.