What is Time-Out and its Important Features?
Photo by Les Anderson on Unsplash

What is Time-Out and its Important Features?

Parents need to know what is time-out and what its important features are, before using and applying these features to kids, they should study all necessary elements which they can implement afterwards.

What is Time-Out?

Time-out is whenever your child is taken from where the misbehaviour happened. They don’t get any attention in time-out. They cannot connect to their parents or anyone else. Time-out isn’t applied for all misbehaviours. It’s necessary to have complete knowledge about time-out and its features.

When Time-Out Should be Used With its Features?

For toddlers and preschoolers, use diversion and redirection. You can find 4 situations when time-out can be a good option:

  • Youngster usually does something dangerous.
  • When your youngster does something harmful for example hurting others.
  • When a family rule is broken by the youngster.
  • The time when they don’t follow the direction and you’ve given a warning.

Tell your youngster that these behaviours can cause a time-out and how parents will use time-out. Parents should practice time-out with their youngsters so they know how it’ll work.

Limit time-outs with toddlers and preschoolers. Use time-out if your youngster does something dangerous or harmful, fails to check out a direction, or breaks a family group rule. Use other kinds of consequences for other problem behaviours.

Follow the steps for time-out every time you exercise it. Select a time-out location where your youngster cannot get attention from anyone.

Pick the Right Time-Out Location

Look at the following tips if you are deciding on a time-out location:

Eliminate the toys from the space If you are using another room. Make sure the space is safe and youngster does not have access to breakable or harmful things like chemicals or detergents. Youngsters should stay away from people, windows, TVs, mobile phones, and whatever else they like. Often at the end of a corridor.

Don’t switch off the lights during a time-out and never work with a closet. Don’t leave your youngster unsupervised for long periods of time.

The Time-Out Warning

Whenever your child doesn’t follow your direction, provide a time-out warning. As a parent, you should state the time-out warning very clearly and simple. State a time-out warning in a simple tone and continue with it if your youngster doesn’t do as you directed. Please find the following example of when a parent decides to apply a time-out warning.

It is time for dinner. Please put your toys away. (Parent pauses for a couple of seconds and the child continues to play.) The parent says to their youngsters, If you do not store your toys, you will need to visit time-out. (This may be the time-out warning.) The parent pauses for a couple more seconds to permit the little ones time to check out directions. The little ones begin to comply. After your youngsters picked up all their toys, the parent says, Wow, You listened and put your toys away.

Steps For Using Time-Out

  • Check the behaviour
  • Let them know why
  • Have your child sit in time-out?
  • End time-out
  • Praise the positive things your youngster does

Click here to learn more in regards to the Steps and Strategies for Using Time-Out


  • Explain Time-Out or show it to your youngster in ways they can understand.
  • Practice time-out with your youngster if you both are in a great mood.
  • Ensure that your youngster knows what behaviour results in a time-out.
  • Tell your youngster where time-outs will happen.
  • Use time-out the same way every time.
  • Time-out should happen soon after the misbehaviour.

The Time-Out Chair and Other Alternative Work

The time-out chair and other alternatives work with a sturdy adult-sized time-out chair that they cannot rock or move.

Avoid chairs that rock, chairs with soft cushions, and chairs with pictures and graphics on them. If you do not have a chair, you can use an umbrella, cloth napkin, small mat, or designated space on the floor as an alternative.

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